Have a passion for all things technician? Is the back of the house your happy place? Te Pou Theatre has partnered with Te Puna Creative Academy to deliver a two day wānanga introducing the role and responsibilities of venue technicians in the performing arts industry. Over two days, the wānanga will cover:
If you’ve ever thought about sharpening your skills or moving into being a venue technician, this two day introductory wānanga is for you.
Āhea | When: Rāhoroi 29th & Rātapu 30th Maehe 2025, 10am – 3pm (Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th March 2025, 10:00am – 3:00pm)
Kei hea | Where: Te Pou Theatre, 2 Mt Lebanon Lane
Mō wai | For who: Māori performing arts industry, and/or Māori keen to move into this space as a viable career
Utu | Cost: Free
Roanga | Duration: 5 hours per day, over two days
Keira is Te Pou Theatre’s Senior Venue Technician. Keira entered the industry as a lighting technician and stage manager, freelancing across Tāmaki Makaurau. While freelancing, Keira has had experience as a touring lighting tech, touring Stage Manager, Venue Technician in multiple venues in Tāmaki and in production management. With general knowledge across departments, Keira is keen to share her knowledge and passion for being a venue technician.
This wānanga is brought to you by Te Pou Theatre and Te Puna Creative Academy, as part of the He Kai Kei Aku Ringa programme, to support the next generation of Māori performing arts workers.
Te Puna Creative Academy, an initiative of Te Puna Creative Innovation Quarter, is delivered by Tātaki Auckland Unlimited in partnership with Te Kawerau ā Maki and funded by Auckland Council’s Māori Outcomes Fund.
Need a great headshot but haven’t got one? Come along for 15 mins with photographer Ralph Brown. Ralph will take a few professional pics of you and send the touched up photos to you after the session for your use on your professional profiles.
Intimacy Coordination is about cultivating a safe and professional environment for the crafting of intimate content on screen and stage. This workshop will provide participants with valuable tools and language that will add to your kete & professional practice.
Bringing back our popular Te Pou Awe acting workshops for 2024, we are inviting whānau Māori of the industry to come along and have a play with some acting. Facilitated by Tainui Tukiwaho, covering the many facets of acting and what makes Māori Theatre.
We are grateful to have various organizations, businesses and people supporting many different aspects of Te Pou. We couldn’t achieve what we have without their support.