Te Pou Theatre Nohonga
Creative Residencies 2025

TONO MAI! Creative Residency Applications Now Open!

Exciting new artistic opportunity to come and create new mahi whakaari at Te Pou Theatre.


Te Pou Theatre has just launched a new Creative Residencies Programme with two residencies available in 2025, to breathe life into new mahi whakaari. This  includes opportunity includes: 

  • 10 days in Tāhū Studio, Te Pou Theatre
  • $5K Stipend
  • $1K Technical Budget
  • Venue kaimahi support

Calling all Māori Performing Artists and Māori-led arts groups/companies  to apply for a 10 day nohonga at tō tātou nei whare a Te Pou. This is a brand new programme, supported by Creative New Zealand, providing artists with creative development support to explore ideas and develop a new, bold and exciting performance based work. Residency support includes time, resources, space and the tautoko of the Te Pou whānau. 


There are two residencies available in 2025. These Nohonga are an opportunity for artists to workshop a new concept, refine a scripted work, trial a design concept or dream up a new performance based work. The key outcome of the residency is supporting the development of new whakaari and our Māori creative community.


Key dates: 

Applications Open: Submissions open on Wed 5 March

Applications Due: 11.59pm, Sunday 30 March.

Notification: Shortlisting and selection will happen over April, with notifications early May.

Ngā Pātai | The Nitty Gritty

  • What does the Residency include? 
    • Ten Days dedicated space in Tāhū Studio
    • Full access to our technical equipment (based on availability) 
    • VT support throughout the ten days
    • Paid stipend of $5000 + GST towards the residency period
    • $1000+ GST towards technical budget including hires, equipment or other key items for the residency
    • At the end of the residency, we’d welcome a short showing of what’s been developed.

  • Who can apply? The Creative Residency is specifically for Māori creative practitioners and independant Māori-led arts companies or collectives. We welcome applications from artists across all stages of their careers. The residency is Tāmaki Makaurau based and unfortunately there is no provision for travel or accommodation in 2025.

  • When do the residencies need to happen? We have two 10 day blocks penciled in June and August. Ideally the residencies can happen over one of these periods. However, there is flexibility based around dates, availability and what best suits the project.

  • How will projects be selected? Projects will be selected by Te Pou Theatre Artistic Leads Amber Curreen & Tainui Tukiwaho, with an external panel expanding depending on the number of tono received. Shortlisted applications might require an interview to discuss your project.

  • How many projects will be selected? 1 – 2 projects may be selected.

  • How do I apply? Submit your application here with this form or the button above.

  • More questions? Send them over Chloe Weavers or Amber Curreen (amber@tepoutheatre.nz)
  • When are applications due? Submissions open on Wed 5 March, closing 11.59pm Sunday 30 March. Shortlisting and selection will happen over April, with notifications early May.

Kaitautoko | Funders

This programme is supported by Creative New Zealand through their Residencies Internships and Fellowships Fund.